About Us
Rogue Robotics is a creative engineering and design company with expertise in educational and custom design products. We are a Canadian company based in Toronto, Ontario, and began the development of our products in 2001, leading to the launch of the company in 2002. Our main focus is providing creative engineering solutions to a wide range of clients, including military, academic, and advertising sectors.
Our flagship uMP3 Playback Module has been used in a variety of environments, ranging from amusement parks, to public transit announcement systems. It's sister, the uMMC Data Module, has been used in medical devices, and has even been into space!
We have had a variety of educational offerings over the years, focusing on teaching coding and learning electronics.
We have extensive years of experience in designing and manufacturing electronics in low quantities for prototyping, all the way up to mass production. Some examples are custom display circuit boards for trade-shows, touch panels for scientific exhibits, and hardware and software for point of sale.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
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